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Shadow Box

Location: London, Ontario

Photo Description

This building above is also from the SOHO area of London, Ontario. This building is located on the old Victoria Hospital grounds and holds a lot of history behind these boarded up windows. This building was dedicated to the nurses as a residence for them to stay in. There has now been an approval of redevelopment in this area with information that this building will be kept under the heritage act. This building intrigued me with its well built structure. While I was walking past it almost looked sad to me as if it was lost in the shadows of the space around it. It has been abandoned but it almost looked like it wanted to be...found? It made me think about whether or not it would serve a new purpose or would it continue to sit as a lonely shadow box.

As part of one of the Archive assignments I have written a Haiku poem for this building that I feel also fits the blog theme of abandonment:

Shadowed abandon

For an empty, old box stands

With life there once was



Hi, I'm Haylee Hallema

Welcome to my photoblog for the Haunted landscapes course.

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Creativity. Productivity. Vision.

In this blog you will find pictures I have taken over the duration of the course. My main focus is on abandonment and thinking about what was once there in the past.


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